Love + Action

I’ve been sitting here trying to wrap my mind around the current reality of something so heavy, hateful, and wrong - racism. Moving from a predominately white hometown, to a predominately white college, and then entering predominately white workplace. I have never experienced what it would feel like to be judged or mistreated based on the color of my skin.

In this life, if there is one thing I believe in, it’s love. Love your neighbor as yourself. But recently one of my best friends, who grew up as a black man in East Cleveland living a much different life than the one I’ve experienced, brought this to my attention. Love takes action. Love DOES. Saying to someone “I love you” and then mistreating them, neglecting them, failing to listen to them, that’s not love. Love takes work, it takes sacrifice, it takes uncomfortable conversations, and it takes humility to listen.

The Good Space team fundamentally believes each person is worthy, created beautifully, and has a God given purpose. However, it is not enough to state our beliefs and not take the action to live them out. We are committed to letting those beliefs and that love inspire us to take action. Here is our commitment:

  1. We are committed to highlighting and serving diversity - we want each person to be able to see themselves (or someone who resembles them) through event attendees, our social media accounts, and our team. Our next event, guest speaker, and workshop will be focused on highlighting and serving the African American community.

  2. We are committed to educating ourselves. We have purchased Brit Baron’s guide to racism 101 and will be conducting more meaningful conversations and education as a team.

  3. We are committed to holding SPACE. The Good Space was always intended to create space for individuals to feel heard, known and loved. Please message us and let us know how we can hold space for you individually.

This isn’t perfect, but it’s a start. We are in a work in progress and we thank you for the grace to allow us to learn and grow. As always, much love.


The Good Space Founder


Crafting by the “non-crafty”


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