Crafting by the “non-crafty”


Do you ever find yourself saying “I’m not creative”. Welp, that was me! Working for a creative company surrounded by so many friends with talent and creative ability, I would find myself saying “oh, I couldn’t make that”. Well guess what, I MADE THAT!

Let me add, it was actually a lot of fun and not nearly as difficult as it looks.

Here is a step by step guide:

Step 1: Get your supplies

Find a piece of driftwood or purchase from a craft store (check Joann Fabrics)

You’ll also need yarn (I ordered mine on Amazon)


Side note, I found this piece of driftwood on a place called Driftwood beach in Jekyll Island, Georgia highly recommend if you are looking for a vacation spot.

Step 2: Create your tassels

I referenced our one and only, Amanda Puleo’s DIY instructions for tassel making. Here are her detailed instructions:

You want to start by figuring out how long you want the tassels to be. Mine were about 6 inches long. You will want to pull out a strand of yarn that is double that length (roughly). So once you have that length figured out, measure out a strand that length and then fold it in half. Continue to do that, measure a strand, then fold in half. I did it about 16 (ish) times.

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Once you do that, fold the whole bunch in half. Then tie a knot in the middle with a short piece of yarn (or longer piece for hanging from driftwood)

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Then bunch the strands together so they aren't on two separate sides anymore. Then tie around the bunch about 1 inch down with a long strand of yard (about 2 feet). Wrap around a few times till you are satisfied with the wrap around thickness.

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Once your tassel is wrapped, trim the ends so you don't have loops at the ends anymore.

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Step 3: Attach to branch

Attach each individual tassel to the branch. Finally, I took one remaining piece of yarn and attached to both ends of the branch (double knot tightly) to prepare to hang it up.

Step 4: Marvel at your work


Hopefully you enjoyed this tutorial! For more DIY crafting ideas and ways to use tassels visit




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